
Story of two salesmen

Two salesmen of a shoe manufacturing company were sent to a large rural setting on a special promo. After two weeks, each salesman forwarded a written report to his employer.

One said he was returning by the next available train because there was no prospect in the area as ‘no one wear a shoe here’ while the other requested for more time, and a consignment of 10,000 pairs of shoes because of the unusually large market he had just identified. “Everyone needs a shoe here”

They both say the same situation in different perspective.

Don’t just see opportunity; seize it!

Not all eyes that look, sees. May God open your eyes to see the abundant riches in you and around you.

Prayerfully take a good look within and around you, there must be something you can work on to take you to your next level.

It may not be of much significance, but may be the key to your relevance. May your inner eyes be open to see the opportunities around you that appears like problems.

